Before and After
I never really took any photos before I started the project. The best I can do is some pictures I stole off the internet. If you are the original owner of the pictures, please dont sue :)
Just to show that this project did not get done overnight. I drove my car around for long periods of time with the entire dash area ripped apart. It got pretty tired of no music and no heating or cooling.
Now for the interesting part. These shots showcase both fiberglass dash pieces described on the Fabricated Parts page
Here is a shot of the front panel connections I installed. Currently I have USB, RCA audio and video on this panel under the parking break. Eventually I want to add a headphone and microphone port
Here are some shots of the screen in action. It seems that taking pictures of computer screens is difficult. The picture is actually much sharper than it appears in the photo.
Here is the boot-up screen. I did not buy the motherboard because of its ability to put any image as your bios screen but its a nice feature.
Here is a shot of Windows XP Media Center. I normally do not see the standard windows interface
Now I am using Media Engine to play some music. This is the best (free) software I have found but there are still some features I would like to see changed
Finally a shot of the GPS in action with Media Engine playing music in the background
This picture is not very exciting I know. I covered over my cigarette lighter with my new fiberglass air conditioning control holder. I relocated the 12v plug to the back of the center console by the rear passengers feat. I use this, a power inverter, and the Audio/Video jacks I installed to run an XBox in the car.
I am still searching for the best input devices. A touchscreen is nice but its not the best for all situations. For now I wireless USB keyboard if the need arises. Strangly enough the keyboard is almost the same midnight blue as my interior. You know me, presentaiton is everything :)