P1000596.JPG;used working parts off ebay|||P1000597.JPG;|||P1000598.JPG;broken side view mirror switch|||P1000599.JPG;new one installed|||P1000600.JPG;old part is missing cruise control set button|||P1000601.JPG;|||P1000602.JPG;the heated seat switch bulb was burned out|||P1000603.JPG;|||P1000604.JPG;bulbs for ACC, work fine for this also|||P1000605.JPG;desolder old bulb, replace, good to go|||P1000606.JPG;headlight switch bulb also burned out|||P1000608.JPG;it pulls right out the back of the switch|||P1000609.JPG;i couldnt get the right bulb at radioshack, guess it will be a speical purchase|||AlbumDescription;I finally found some good prices on saab parts on ebay. I have been keeping an eye out for a while. This time around I replaced broken my side view mirror switch and my turn signal / cruise control stalk. Well now I can electronically adjust the position of my side view mirrors (very cool) but my cruise control still does not work. I guess there is more to the cruise control problem than just a missing button. I also took this time to replace the lights in the heated seat switches.|||